Friday, February 22, 2013

A Bet That I Was Forced To Decline.

If you read Lane's blog then you would have noticed a post about compasses not too long ago. She said they were super handy and she liked em and all that. IF! You know how to use them.
Yesterday I made a joke about Lane always getting lost and she said that if she had a compass then she would never get lost... Yeah right. I don't think she understands that a compass is not a GPS. So she made a bet: If you buy a compass and blindfold me and put me somewhere in G-ma's woods and then make me find my way back, and I succeed, then I get to keep the compass... So where is my end of the deal? She said if she didn't succeed then I could keep the compass and she would pay for it...
Nice, but I don't need a compass. I turned down the bet and I hate doing that because it is always fun to make a bet with Lane. First of all, we know the woods back there and any of us could easily find our way back from anywhere down there... Unless... it was dark outside. Oh yeah, we would have a bet then! Actually, maybe not, I don't need a compass. Whatever, I declined and that is that.
Talent show tonight and a 12 mile hike tomorrow! Fun, Fun.

1 comment:

TaggTroop said...

LOVE it that you are posting again consistantly. I love reading your stuff!
