Christmas is coming and here are a few things I have been noticing as the season comes around.
1- The Music. The radio has been playing lots of Christmas music, and we have been playing some at church. I love it!
2- The lights. Yep, there are Christmas lights...
3- Hmm... That's about it, oh wait! Christmas shopping!!! I have been looking around for good gifts and occasionally Mom and/or Dad will come home and say, "Everyone to your rooms!" So we all go in and shut the door until they get the gift to their rooms.
And Mom is reading a Christmas book to the little kiddies. I love Christmas.
Some things I am looking forward to...
1- THE HOBBIT!!! Yeah, that had nothing to do with Christmas but I am really excited about it coming to theaters.
2- Egg nog night. Egg nog night is one of our family traditions that is totally awesome! We get egg nog... A LOT OF EGG NOG, and Meggy makes vanilla chex mix. BTW the chex mix is one of the best tasting things any person will ever put into their mouth. And we get a movie that we haven't seen yet and we have a party! It is so fun... And delicious
3- Going to Texas. Every year we go to Texas before Christmas to have a party with the relatives. We stay at Grandma and Pawpaw's extra apartment and some of us go to Nana and Grandpa's house. I love going to Texas.
Oh ya.... The Hobbit, I can't wait !!
Vanilla Chex mix? Do tell...
Meg has the recipe but I think that she melts up vanilla almond bark and mixes it in with a bunch of marshmellers, chocolate chips, rice chex, corn chex, nuts, and... There is something else I think... Maybe not, I cant think of anything else. But you mix that stuff together and let it cool and it is soooooo good!
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