Friday, November 23, 2012

I'm so Thankful... That I can go BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPING!!!

Yeah, I love black Friday shopping. I did it last year for the first time and it was a blast! This year was great to, I got 2 peoples Christmas gifts and great deals on both of them. Best buy had a good sale on their movies so I got one of those, Journey 2 to be exact. It was $3.80... Not bad. I also got Dad a Christmas present but I don't know if he reads my blog so I am not going to say what it is. Thanksgiving was fantastic! I think fantastic is my new favorite word... But back to thanksgiving. We went to the church to help with the public thanksgiving meal, that was fun, we were there all day watching football, eating, and playing football and basketball. Lots of fun and fellowship.

Christmas. Isn't that the word that everyone is saying now? Yes it is! It's right around the corner! Barely over a month away. I get very excited this time of year. The weather is changing and the stores are all filed with lights. Christmas music is playing and I love it...


TaggTroop said...

I love it too!

Anonymous said...

Your dad doesn't read your blog...spill it! What did you get him?