Thursday, January 3, 2013

School and the new year

The "Season" of holidays has passed and we are into the new year! 2013... weird.
We started school on Wednesday and math is killing me! O well I'll graduate soon. Have you ever heard of the Moral Hazard? Too me, it is a fascinating problem that government cant seem to overcome. I learned about it today in economics. It is the problem when one party to a contract passes the cost of its behavior on to the other party to the contract. Insurance pays for my dentist visits, why not get my teeth cleaned 6 times a year? The household has no incentive to behave any different. If the landlord comes once a month to repair the apartment, why not Punch a hole in the wall every time I get mad? The solution? You tell me. I guess the best we can do is have the landlord retain the security deposit... Whatever, I'll never be the president. :)

Do you have any new years resolutions? And here is an even harder question: Do you remember LAST years resolutions?

I have some and here are a few of them:
1- Read thru the New Testament
2- Get my black belt in TKD
3- Keep a better financial record
4- Finish high school science
5- Continue posting on my blog

Let me hear yours!

1 comment:

Spyder said...

I'm gonna post more!