Saturday, December 29, 2012


We had a white Christmas this year which made all of us really happy. I didn't believe the weathermen at first cause I thought they were just thinking hopeful thoughts and trying to make it look good. BUT, it snowed.
We had a good Christmas this year. Meg and Efum came early in the morning to share the fun with us. Really, how fun can Christmas be with only 2 people? Yeah, the Tagg house is packed with fun! We had Grandma and Grandpa on the web cam and everyone opened presents. I got a blow gun and for all of you readers that have not seen a blowgun in action: It is powerful!!! I shot a dart into a tree, and I mean literally INTO a tree. It was a little metal dart and it just sunk into that tree. I was quite surprised, no shooting the brothers! We also got Just Dance for the wii. I love that game. I just wish that they would come up with a christian music just dance game. We played that for a long time and now Meg wants a wii for her house!

Then we all went out in the snow. It was really cold and you couldn't look to the north because the wind and snow would be blowing right into your face. But snow is snow and it must be played in :) so we did. Good time. It makes we miss Colorado...

Efum's family came for dinner and instead of exchanging gift we went through the compassion magazine and picked out stuff to send to the less privileged. Lane, Josh, Dad, and I, all pitched in to "dig and stock a fish pond."  I loved hearing Bird and Mrs. Katie going through the magazine picking out chickens and goats and all kinds of animals to send over. So sweet.

We went to church yesterday to do the annual movie night and we had to cancel it. To much snow and ice :(
Too bad but it was good to be at church again and see some people.

Oh, I almost forgot! The Logo board game is incredible! I am not very good at it but it is fun. And Axis and Allies is another fun game I got for christmas. Mom and Dad don't like it though... Maybe because they lost :) Love ya, Mom and Dad!

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