Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Testing, Sports Complex Design, and Stuff

I couldn't come up with a third subject for this post so... Stuff seems suitable.
I could have just put 2 subject on the title I guess but my mind has been on the number 3 this week. Mainly because of writing class. We worked on our intro and thesis statements this week and I had a hard time coming up with a third topic for my compare and contrast essay. I am writing about how apprenticeship is better than liberal arts. I picked that topic because she (teacher) said for us to pick a subject that we don't have to study too much. I took a debate class when we lived in CO in which I debated about the above topic. So I shouldn't have to study about it too much.

We had Taekwondo testing this past Saturday and I was nervous. Besides white belt testing, I haven't really been nervous at all my other testings but this time I was. Reason being, there was a chance that I might just fail. Until you reach the rank of Red-Black belt (Which is right before black) testing is more of a celebration-ceremony thing when you receive your belt. When you get to Red-Black you have to break 3 boards to pass. If you don't, you don't pass. Breaking boards has never really been to much of a problem for me but you never know... Last testing I didn't break all mine so this time I was quite nervous. We all passed. Not a problem, and I did forms better than I ever had before. It was a wonderful success for all of us! Happy, Happy.

I have been designing or rather drawing out floor plans for my sports complex. I only have one issue. Mind you it is a pretty MAJOR issue. That is money. I don't got none.
If anyone would like to share with me a way to get some... Let me know. :)
I have all kinds of plans...

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