Saturday, August 10, 2013

Crazy Summer

The past two weeks have been very busy.

Last week was church camp. We took a group of about 15 people to the Talihina Summit camp. There were ups and downs. The speaker and the band were great, nobody cried over not having their phone, and we won the spirit stick! On about day 4 we got to do the zip line! Lane got to do it and she really enjoyed it, she likes things like that. We went in order of who was most likely not to chicken out and who was best that week. Our pastor picked the lineup perfectly! A girl in the last group sat up there for about 20 minutes crying cause she was scared. Last year they just pushed her off, but this year she climbed down. I think climbing down would be more scary than ziplining down! Overall, it was a good camp. I want to be more theme oriented next year though and maybe do more camp service to get a shot at winning arney. (Arney is the big armadillo that the church with the most humble and servant-like attitude receives) It's not a real armadillo!

We watched Pride and Prejudice yesterday, that is a great movie! I'm usually not into love movies but that one is awesome!

Today was TKD testing. Jess tested for his black belt and the rest of us mid-termed for our second degree. For all of you that don't know what that means, Mid-terming is what you have to do to get second degree black belt. It's like testing for another higher belt rank to get to black belt except you don't get another belt. You have to "mid-term" 8 times before you can test for second. All of us passed! We were all really happy when Jess passed cause last time he didn't so he had to wait another three months to try again! I don't think he would have been able to take another failure. Nor I actually. We are having Spaghetti tonight to celebrate our great success!

The little guys are in my room playing legos right now. Lane is outside with Josh plucking a freshly killed chicken. I'll let you know how the whole chicken episode goes down in my next post. We are new at this and it isn't over. That poor chicken...

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