Sunday, August 18, 2013

Football and Honey Harvesting

Recently, most of my time has been consumed by football. I get up at 5:10 and leave at 5:30. Practice starts at six and I get done anytime from 7:30 to 12:00. Then I take Josh to practice and that usually takes an hour or two. It is kinda exhausting. But fun at the same time. Friday night I fell asleep at about 5:30pm and woke up at 8pm thinking I had missed the next days practice! We had our first event last night. It was a team scrimmage but a lot of people showed up to watch! I didn't think there would be very many but I was wrong! We didn't kick after touchdowns or for kickoffs like in a real game but after each "quarter" I kicked a few extra points. I got my helmet and pads last night too and let me tell you, that helmet can really throw you off! I missed like my first three and 1 more later on. I'll get used to it. I enjoy doing it.

Yesterday we also harvested our honey. SCARY! There were thousands of bees swarming everywhere and Mom barely had any smoke going! I didn't have any bee protection on so I was standing a good distance back when mom started carrying a heavy box of the hive toward the garage. I could tell she was having a hard time so I was like, "You need help?" She said yes and said I wouldn't get stung cause the bees were away from their hive. NOT TRUE! I was in fact carrying part of the hive and the bees promptly attacked me. I got stung once on the head. Josh and Jess also got stung on the head and Mr. Charles, who was there to help us, got stung through his jeans. 4 stings total. But you should see the honey! It's gonna be worth one sting. We got about 2 1/2 gallons. Not bad.

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