Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Lane is home! I don't know if I mentioned that yet but I missed her so much I think it is worth while to mention it again. We had McFlurries at McDonalds to celebrate.

Lane and I are leaving for church camp next week, and I am a little more anxious about this one cause Meg wont be there... I'll know a little more about how things work though so I can be more help this time!

Josh and Jess are outside playing airsoft right now. It's neat watchin em.

Josh and I have been going to football workouts four mornings a week. It's pretty tough but its getting easier. I had to go to this one stupid thing though. It was a library signing day where all the players get in uniform and go to the library to sign autographs for kids like we are famous. STU-PID! 1 kid showed up... It'll probably double next year, maybe even triple!

We had friends from CO in town for the weekend and let me tell you it was good to see them! It's been a long time! We kicked footballs and played disc golf and showed them our church and talked. Fun times!
Dad got so many chiggers when we were playing disc golf. Hundreds! He hasn't slept much this week...

1 comment:

Lane said...

Glad I'm home